Betty's Bouquet Litter!
Rose and Lilac are available from Betty and Preston's litter of miniature poodle puppies. They are 8 weeks old and ready for their forever homes! Rose is a gentle girl who loves to snuggle in your lap and Lilac is a confident, outgoing girl who loves to pay but also enjoys a good cuddle. Rose is currently 4lbs and will mature to around 12 to 13lbs. Lilac is the tiniest pup of the litter at 2.5lbs. She will mature to around 7 to 10lbs. Call me today to meet these cuties!
Miniature Poodles are 3000 plus sales tax.
Buffy's School of Rock Litter!
We have a lovely standard poodle puppy from Buffy's School of Rock litter looking for a guardian home! Joan Jett is a gorgeous black and white parti-poodle with a relaxed and lovable personality. She is our pick of the litter. She is doing fantastic with crate training and is sleeping through the night! Learn more about our guardian program here: Guardian Home Program.
Make sure to check out our Planned Litters page too!